Excited crowd of sports fans celebrating their team's victory

How Gen Z around the globe is reshaping societal norms

Gen Z is accelerating the global pace of change, but their attitudes and beliefs are nuanced in various regions of the world.

Around the globe, Gen Z is redefining norms for communication, consumerism, purpose, the workplace and the future for all. Already considered one of the most diverse generations to date, it should come as no surprise that Gen Z’s priorities are not a uniform carbon copy across the world. What they stress about, how they think about sustainability and how they engage with technology varies depending on the experiences that have shaped their view of the world.

However, some traits still shine through, regardless of geography. Gen Z’s battle with stress and mental health, value on sustainability and insatiable craving for authenticity in a world of projected falsehoods comes to the forefront regardless of what corner of the world they inhabit.


We followed up on our US-based exploration of this game-changing generation with a research report surveying 5,000 members of Gen Z from China, Germany, Japan, Mexico and the United States. Here, we start to explore where this generation is inherently alike, and where its members differ.


Takeaways from the Gen Z International Research Report:


Gen Z is focused, independent and out to create the future we all deserve. And while some inherent traits have emerged, Gen Z is not a monolith. This diverse generation often prioritizes needs differently based on their experiences in the society they’ve grown up in. A deep understanding of who they are and what they value most is the only way to win this generation’s trust.

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